List of Funds & Trusts

Raven Rock Strategic Income Fund (RRF.UN)
Ravensource Fund (RAV.UN)
RBC 1-5 Year Laddered Canadian Bond ETF (RLB)
RBC 1-5 Year Laddered Corporate Bond ETF (RBO)
RBC 6-10 Year Laddered Canadian Corporate Bond ETF (RMBO)
RBC BlueBay Global Diversified Income (CAD Hedged) ETF (RBDI)
RBC Canadian Bank Yield Index ETF (RBNK)
RBC Canadian Bond Index ETF (RCUB)
RBC Canadian Discount Bond ETF (RCDB)
RBC Canadian Dividend Covered Call ETF (RCDC)
RBC Canadian Equity Income Fund ETF (RCEI)
RBC Canadian Equity Index ETF (RCAN)
RBC Canadian Preferred Share ETF (RPF)
RBC Canadian Short Term Bond Index ETF (RCSB)
RBC Emerging Markets Dividend Fund ETF (REMD)
RBC Emerging Markets Equity Index ETF (REEM)
RBC Global Energy Fund ETF (RENG)
RBC Global Government Bond (CAD Hedged) Index ETF (RGGB) Go to: iShares Global Government Bond Index ETF C$Hedged (XGGB)
RBC International Equity Fund ETF (RINT)
RBC International Equity Index ETF
RBC North American Growth Fund ETF (RNAG)
RBC North American Value Fund ETF (RNAV)
RBC PH&N Short Term Canadian Bond ETF (RPSB)
RBC Quant Canadian Dividend Leaders ETF (RCD)
RBC Quant Canadian Equity Leaders ETF (RCE)
RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF (RIDH)
RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders ETF (RID)
RBC Quant EAFE Dividend Leaders ETF - USD (RID.U)
RBC Quant EAFE Equity Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF (RIEH)
RBC Quant EAFE Equity Leaders ETF (RIE)
RBC Quant EAFE Equity Leaders ETF - USD (RIE.U)
RBC Quant Emerging Markets Dividend Leaders ETF (RXD)
RBC Quant Emerging Markets Dividend Leaders ETF -USD (RXD.U)
RBC Quant Emerging Markets Equity Leaders ETF (RXE)
RBC Quant Emerging Markets Equity Leaders ETF (RXE.U)
RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders ETF (RPD)
RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders ETF - USD (RPD.U)
RBC Quant European Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF (RPDH)
RBC Quant Global Infrastructure Leaders ETF (RIG)
RBC Quant Global Infrastructure Leaders ETF (RIG.U)
RBC Quant Global Real Estate Leaders (USD) ETF (RGRE.U)
RBC Quant Global Real Estate Leaders ETF (RGRE)
RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF (RUDH)
RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders ETF (RUD)
RBC Quant U.S. Dividend Leaders ETF - USD (RUD.U)
RBC Quant U.S. Equity Leaders (CAD Hedged) ETF (RUEH)
RBC Quant U.S. Equity Leaders ETF (RUE)
RBC Quant U.S. Equity Leaders ETF - USD (RUE.U)
RBC Short Term U.S. Corporate Bond (USD) ETF (RUSB.U)
RBC Short Term U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (RUSB)
RBC Strategic Global Dividend Leaders ETF (RLD)
RBC Strategic Global Equity Leaders ETF (RLE)
RBC Target 2019 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQG)
RBC Target 2020 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQH)
RBC Target 2021 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQI)
RBC Target 2022 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQJ)
RBC Target 2023 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQK)
RBC Target 2024 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQL)
RBC Target 2024 Government Bond ETF (RGQL)
RBC Target 2025 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQN)
RBC Target 2025 Government Bond ETF (RGQN)
RBC Target 2026 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQO)
RBC Target 2026 Government Bond ETF (RGQO)
RBC Target 2027 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQP)
RBC Target 2027 Government Bond ETF (RGQP)
RBC Target 2028 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQQ)
RBC Target 2028 Government Bond ETF (RGQQ)
RBC Target 2029 Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQR)
RBC Target 2029 Government Bond ETF (RGQR)
RBC U.S. Banks Yield (CAD Hedged) Index ETF (RUBH)
RBC U.S. Banks Yield Index ETF (RUBY)
RBC U.S. Banks Yield Index ETF (RUBY.U)
RBC U.S. Discount Bond (CAD Hedged) ETF (RDBH)
RBC U.S. Discount Bond ETF (RUDB)
RBC U.S. Discount Bond ETF - USD Units (RUDB.U)
RBC U.S. Dividend Covered Call ETF (RUDC)
RBC U.S. Dividend Covered Call ETF - USD Units (RUDC.U)
RBC U.S. Equity Index ETF (RUSA)
RBC Vision Women's Leadership MSCI Canada Index ETF (RLDR)
Real Asset Income and Growth Fund - Class A (RAI.UN)
Real Asset Income and Growth Fund - Class U
Real Estate Split Corp - Class A Shares (RS) formerly Real Estate & E-Commerce Split Corp
Real Estate Split Corp. - Preferred Shares (RS.PR.A) formerly Real Estate & E-Commerce Split Corp
Redwood Advantage Monthly Income Fund (AV.UN)
Redwood Floating Rate Bond Fund - Class A (IFL.UN)
Redwood Floating Rate Bond Fund - Class U
Redwood Global Financials Income Fund - Class A (NAF.UN)
Redwood Global Financials Income Fund - Class F
Redwood Monthly Income Fund (VIP.UN)
REIT Indexplus Income Fund (IDR.UN) Go to: Middlefield REIT Indexplus ETF (IDR)
Residential Equities REIT
Richards Packaging Income Fund (RPI.UN)
Ridgewood Canadian Investment Grade Bond Fund (RIB.UN)
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust (REI.UN)
Rogers Sugar Inc.
Royal Host Inc.
Russell Investments Fixed Income Pool (RIFI)
Russell Investments Global Infrastructure Pool (RIIN)
Russell Investments Global Unconstrained Bond Pool (RIGU)
Russell Investments Real Assets (RIRA)

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